because learning never ends...
Access Points
Access Points provide free self service facilities for customers to conduct their business.
More than 90 Access Points throughout Australia have an internet enabled computer for customers to access digital services.
Staff at Access Points can sight and photocopy identity documents. This means original documents do not need to be sent in the mail to support claims.
Other services available include:
information products, forms and brochures
a telephone for department related business
Medicare phone claiming service and reply paid envelopes to forward receipts to support claims
fax and photocopy facilities to forward material to Centrelink
free wifi
No additional face to face staff assistance is provided at Access Points.
Agents have the same facilities and services as Access Points but with the addition of face-to-face support. Agents have internet enabled computers and printers as well as telephones for customer use.
Agents may also:
accept claim forms and documents required to be lodged
respond to customer enquiries and provide assistance, guidance or referral if needed
assist customers to access digital services
Agents are not departmental staff and cannot:
make any payments or decisions about payments
review, assess or vary payments
issue Electronic Banking Transfers, Basics Cards, Medicare Cards or Health Care Cards